RobotStudio event

Force Control

Hello A?A?Smile

A? A?I have an ABB Robot application in Bottle Capping (place one bottle cap to one bottle). If I can use "Trial and Error" methode to find the limit of Motion Collision (Motion Supervision Error), Must I use Robot Ware Option Force Control Assembly?

A? A?May be someone share his/her experience in Force Control Option or just give me a suggestion. Thank you very much

Best Regard



fear of GOD is the beginning of wisdom


  • Hi Dhyan,

                I think it is better to use the Robot Ware Option Force Control Assembly
  • Hi Nikhil,

    A? A? A? A? Thank you for your advice. But I have never used the Force Control before.

    1. What things i have to prepare to use this option?

    2. If I want to aplicate it with some cappers (in 1 TCP, in the same position of z-axis A? A? dirrection ) must I use some Force sensors too? In the same case that i have seen (Conveyor Tracking), some paralel nozzles track 1 conveyorA? just need 1 encoder.

    3. In this application, I need the Conveyor Tracking too. Can 1 IRC5 consist 2 RobotWare options? How many Robot Ware options (DSQC) can be attached in 1 IRC5 Controller?A?

    A? Thanks a lot.



    fear of GOD is the beginning of wisdom
  • Hi Nikhil,

    A? A? A? A? Thank you for your advice. But I have never used the Force Control before.

    1. What things i have to prepare to use this option?

    2. If I want to aplicate it with some cappers (in 1 TCP, in the same position of z-axis A? A? dirrection ) must I use some Force sensors too? In the same case that i have seen (Conveyor Tracking), some paralel nozzles track 1 conveyorA? just need 1 encoder.

    3. In this application, I need the Conveyor Tracking too. Can 1 IRC5 consist 2 RobotWare options? How many Robot Ware options (DSQC) can be attached in 1 IRC5 Controller?A?

    A? BR, Dhyan

    fear of GOD is the beginning of wisdom
  • Hi Dhyan,

               Me too never used Force Control option before. But i have some sort of knowledge regarding that. Based on that only i replied to you. I will try to find out some help file for your reference.
  • Hello Dhyan,
    Neither Force Control or SoftMove should be used with conveyor tracking. You should use the Collision Detection option to be able to tune the sensitivity of the contact force between the bottle and the cap. You should also investigate building compliance into your end of arm tooling.


    Jim Proulx
  • Hello Jim Proulx, Nikhil and everyoneWink

    A? A? Thank you for your support. I have been analysing your advice. But I still have question:

    1. Actually my conveyor is always on, so I need conveyor tracking. But supposing my conveyor is on-off (intermitten), do I still need conveyor tracking? What for?

    2. Based on my resume I send you, Collision Detection software is just a complement of Force Control option. I mean Collision Detection is not a "must", It's just a "safety factor". Am I right?

    A? A? Have a happy day!webwiz/2712/Force_Control_VS_Collision_Detection.rar



    fear of GOD is the beginning of wisdom
  • Hi Dhyan,

                Thank you very much for the wonderful explanation of Force Control option & Collision Detection. It is very clear and useful Smile.

    1.  I think according to your application you need to use conveyor tracking option.


    2.  You are absolutely right.Thumbs Up

  • Hello Dhyan,

    1. If the conveyor is constantly moving you will need conveyor tracking. If the conveyor indexes and stops a fixed amount putting the bottle in the same position at every index then you will not need conveyor tracking. You will only need an input to the robot indicating that the conveyor has stopped and to proceed to place the cap. In this scenario you can use the Collision Detection option [613-1], SoftMove option [885-1] or Force Control [661-2]. I would suggest you explore SoftMove. webwiz/222/


    You cannot use SoftMove with conveyor tracking. It is forbidden. I would not recommend using Force Control with conveyor tracking either. The ability to track the part may be compromised by the softening of axises. It should be tested. In this scenario you should rely on tuning your Collision Detection values as long as it does not harm the robot.

    What model robot are you using?


    2. Collision Detection is not a compliment of Force Control. Collision Detection and Force Control are separate options with separate functions. Collision Detection is used to protect equipment from collisions. Force Control is used to maintain force in a process like assembly and machining.  


    Also note that there is a major expense of equipment and software with Force Control.




  • Hello Jim Proulx and Nikhil.

         Thank a lot, both of you give me an explanation clearly.


        Conveyor Tracking is a must for my application, so I have no choice, I must use Collision Detection option. But I must discuss with my boss to change my robot model, because my boss gives me 2 choices of using robot model : IRB6620 or IRB360(flexpicker).


        Collision Detection option is just available for the robot : IRB140, IRB1400, IRB1600, IRB2400, IRB260, IRB4400, IRB6600, IRB660, IRB7600 (based on 3HAC022349-001 that I read)


        One more, thanks for your help. God bless your jobClap


    Best Regard,


    Dhyan Wicaksono (

    Robot Programmer

    PT Fillomatic Global Industries

    fear of GOD is the beginning of wisdom
  • Hi Dhyan,

                It's my pleasure. Thanks for sharing the information with us. All the best.Thumbs Up
  • Hello Dyhan,

    I would think you would use the IRB 360.


    The Collision Detection option is available for the IRB 6620 and the IRB 360. The IRB 360 will come with Collision detection as standard. The IRB 6620 it will be an option.



  • Dear all,


    I want to ask, why we can't combine the force control and the conveyor tracking?A?

    Thanks for the explanation.



    indah carmila