RobotStudio event

Binding Source Limit?


Does anyone know if there is a limit to the amount of bindingsources you can use at any one time on the FP?


I have a screen which is interfacing to a unit whose data I am storing in strings on the controller.  I have about 35 binding sources all up (signal and data).


Is this too many?  Will the FP fall over or run out of resources?

(I have made sure i resume/suspend when using different Tab or page)


Also, is there a way so that multiple TpsLabels can get a data from an index each in a single binding source, say, 1 databinding source with 5 elements servicing 5 TpsLabels??


The reason I ask is that I cant right align the text in a datagrid or listview but have full control in a TpsLabel (TopLeft, TopCenter, TopRight)





  • carlosmtz2000

    There isn't a max. number of binding sources; it is all about teh available resources in the IRC5 and the FlexPendant.


    Even though you can put a list of items in the BindingSource, you only have one "selected index".  Are you working with signals or data?

    Carlos Martinez
  • BigM
    Hey carlos,

    I've got a mix of data and signals but mainly data (strings).


    I was hoping there was some way to use a single binding source with say 30 indexes and then have 30 TPS_Labels that would bind to an index each rather than having 30 bindindsources which seems to be inefficient way of doing it.


    What are your thoughts...



  • carlosmtz2000

    - If we could have diferent indeces, the no. of required connections to the controller are the same (one for each data).


    - Is all data expected to change? -> You might want to cativate/suspend some of the Binding mechanism depending of the current state.


    - Have you had some memory problem? Could you check how much memory you have before and after launching your app?






    Carlos Martinez