RobotStudio event

IRB660 runs even load is higher than limit


I made the simulation with payload.

Gripper payload in tool data
PERS tooldata gripper := [ TRUE, [[0, 0, 160], [1,
0, 0, 0]], [30, [0, 0, 80], [1, 0, 0, 0], 0, 0, 0]];

Payload : [ 300, [0, 0, 300], [1, 0, 0, 0], 0, 0, 0];

It works well in RS.

I am using RS5.12.

Is the above case is wright or wrong for above mentioned robot model.

Help me.

If you want pack and go i will send.

Thank you.



  • Henrik Berlin

    Running a real robot with payload exceed will violate warranty.

    Henrik Berlin
  • Lin
    I want to know,

    Will Robot Studio report error if payload exceeds the robot maximum payload limitation?

    Thank you.
  • dhyan
    Hello Lin.
    A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?Based on my experience:
    1. Offline Programming : There is no error I get even the Payload I define is higher than limit. Robot Studio just sends error message if I don'tA?giveA?any input value to payload.A?

    2. Online Programming : I had tried to give payload on Limit closely (almost same to limit value).I got 2 errors and sometimes Robot stops immediatelly.
    A?- Error 50204 : Motion Supervision triggered for axis-x on mechanical unit ROB_1. It's probably caused by collision, incorrect load definition or forces in external process.
    A?- Error 50055 : Joint Load too high (Actual Torque on joint ROB_1), might be caused by incorrect load data, too high acceleration, high external proces forces, low temperature or hardware error.

    A?A?A?A?A?A?A?A?My resume :
    1. Actualy, the limitation has 2 factors : load/mass and velocity
    Remember that ...... Torque = Moment of Inertia X Angular Accelaraton
    2. You will take a high risk if your tool payload is higher than the limit.

    I don't know my explanation is usefull or useless to you

    Best Regard

    Dhyan - Indonesia
    fear of GOD is the beginning of wisdom