RobotStudio event

Bug in Radio button

I have group RB(e.g. 3)


When I make add action-pulse signal just to one of them then touch on RB with pulse -  action react OK. But on any next one RB then action(with pulse) is repeated again!!


Probaly new one bug in Radio Button group?Ouch




  • Hi,

    The Radio Button will all the associated list of actions every time its status changes. So if you have two radio buttons which are located in the same panel or form, and you press one of them, both will call their event handlers: one for switching from On -> Off, and the other from Off -> On.


    Best Regards
    Carlos Martinez
  • OK, and if am using 3 and more RB in same panel or form, then is not correct it?Stern Smile L
  • Yes. The RadioButton will execute the list of actions whenever the Checked property changes its value. Either if you only have two RadioButton inside the form or panel, by pressing in one of the RadioButton, both will fire their events: one for being checked, and the other one for being unchecked.

    Carlos Martinez
  • Many thanks for your explanation..L