RobotStudio event

Jog speed error.

Hi everybody.

I get a problem, I hope somebody can help.

I get Jog Speed Error, ad I think reorientation of the tool is causing it, because that is the only thing moving fast in my milling robot, but I cant seem to control the speed of the reorientation. I am milling a concavity, and I need to reorient the tool so that the chuck and the spindle does not hit when I move up and down. I have solved how to reorient the tool (using dot vector calculation and EulerZYX) but i get this annoying Jog Speed Error. It says please reduce speed (but nothing is faster than v150) A?or close to singularity (and it isn't).

I've tried everything, including editing the v50 speedata constant but to no avail.A?

Any tips would be greatly welcomed.

Best regards


Best regards
Jens T



  • ive had similiar errors occur when zone data is overlapping.

    Try reducing zone data to z0 to see if that helps, it seems to occur most often when targets are close to each other but have slightly different orientations. But i've had it occur when targets are exactly the zone distance away as well.
  • Hi,

    Create your own speeddata.


    VAR speeddata vSlowRot := [v_tcp, v_ori, v_leax, v_reax];


    the v_tcp is the velocity of the TCP in mm/s

    the v_ori is the reorientation velocity of the TCP in degrees/s


    Look more details from the RAPID manual.




  • I think its caused by jittery movements. But I am still having problem, less than before, but it still pops up a few times during each job. Probably a simple thing, but it takes forever to debug because it happens "spontaneously" and not at the same line each time.

    Is there anyway I could trap such an error, recover and get away with it without the system stopping?

    Best regards
    Jens T
