RobotStudio event

additional task simulation


I added an additional Task (Normal, No Motion) via Offline/Konfiguration/Contoller/Task to my RS 5.12.01 Project.
After Restart the task is shown in the Project-Tree. While synchronisation with station, there is a warning "Task exists in controller, but not in station!"
If i try to start simulation there is a an error "Programm couldt not be startet" So i have to rightclick to the tasks mainmodule and set the programmpointer manually!
After doing this i am able to run simulation of both tasks. Allways after changes in additional task, i have to set the program pointer before start again!
If i debug with breakpoints in one of the programms from TRob1 or Additional task, RS hangs badly without any error message!
In simulation setup window booth task are shown and selected!
So i guess, something is wrong!? Did i miss a step?


Thanks for help




  • Anders S
    Hard to say whatA's wrong. But if you upload or mail me ( a Pack & Go of the station, I can take a look at it.
    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics