serial communication programming using com1,IRC5

I am now doing programming work for a microprocessor which is used to communicate with robot controller through Com1 Port of IRC5. I read the application manual but it doesn't have very much detail. 

Is there anyone who has experience with this kind of programming work? Thank you.


  • Hello,

    I have some experiences on that subject.

    First of all, You need RS-232 cable to connect two devices, IRC5 and PC.

    Serial port, COM1 is located in front of Computer Unit inside Robot Controller.

    For the programming, please refer to the attached Files.

    I made it for Robotized Vision System. The position data of work piece is transferd from vision camera to robot with this program.

    Please look over all files not only RAPID program but also System Parameters.


    Best Regards,

  • Hi,

    Thank you for sharing your experience with me.


    It seems like that you use Rapid code for controlling com1 port.  However, I need to program a Flexpandent Application using C#. Do you how to program the port using C# in application but not the Rapid program? Thank you.
  • Hi I can't download the attached file, can you resend it? I want to know how can I establish communication to irc5 (receive/transmit data) thru serial communication (rs232)


  • Hi I can't also download the attached file, can you resend it?

    I want to know how can I establish communication to irc5 (receive/transmit data) thru serial communication (rs232)

    Thanks in advance,

  • I would like to take a look at this file too.... Did anyone receive  te ZIP????