RobotStudio event

IRC5 Back-up issue

We have multiple robots with IRC5 controllers running 5.07.  On one of them, when you go through the back up procedure it appears to do a back up normally.  But, when you look at the file, one file, under the Rapid folder, TASK1, PROGMOD, is now an incomplete file.  The old original file is 117k in size.  The newly save file is only 16k and upon opening in WORD, it is missing 0ver 80% of it's content?  But if I use the pendant explorer and view the actual file it is correct in size and content?  Seems to be something with how it does a back-up.  Our other similar controllers are fine.
Any insight on this?




  • It's a known problem in 5.07, please update your system software or let ABB take care of that.

    Thumbs Up
  • I've seen this on other versions as well, up to version 5.10. I've done a B start in the past and have had success getting the backup to work again.