RobotStudio event

Creating move Function


Hi there, my name is Hud.

I?_Tm new in this Robotic field. I do some study about Robotic welding. One of my welding activity is welding on function path such as (y=sin ?, y=cos ? or y=x2+2x+4). Is anyone known about this? If so please do help me.



  • I have not done this for welding, but for cutting pipe I have generated a path in autocad and then imported this into robotstudio and used create path from curve with reasonable success. 

    In simplest forms you could generate the coordinates in excel with your function and then create all the points in robstudio using the x,y,z coordinates.

  • Henrik Berlin

    As stated above, creating the curve in a CAD-program where you can enter explicit mathematical expressions for the curve and then importing that into RS would be the most convenient solution.


    Alternatively, if you are familiar with .NET development, you can write some code to generate the targets on the function using VSTA that comes with RS.


    You can also approach this from a lower level, by implementing instructions direcly in the RAPID language of the controller. RAPID is a powerful language which is similar to any procedural programming language. The main difference that it also contains motion instructions. The language is flexible and allows you to implement you own move instructions using the exisiting ones as building blocks. Example: ArcSine ..., ArcCos,...


    The last option is hard work! Just enter the coordinates and create the targets where you want them.


    Henrik Berlin
  • Henrik Berlin
    There is a good example ("draw_square") in the manual "Introduction to RAPID", see below:



    Please also check my example code for a IRB140 below :


    MODULE Module1
     CONST robtarget pHome:=[[506.291651245987,1.29490239543512E-12,679.5],[0.499999999999998,0,0.866025403784439,0],[0,0,0,0],[9E9,9E9,9E9,9E9,9E9,9E9]];
     CONST robtarget pCenter:=[[554.479956268792,1.73273580794849E-12,533.699988807741],[4.22133561439608E-09,0,1,0],[0,0,0,0],[9E9,9E9,9E9,9E9,9E9,9E9]];
     CONST robtarget pStart:=[[554.479955451763,-200.00000706809,533.699989666025],[1.44838108079029E-08,7.56676097447419E-17,1,-5.22428873538805E-09],[-1,0,-1,0],[9E9,9E9,9E9,9E9,9E9,9E9]];
    PROC Path_10()
     MoveJ pHome,v1000,z100,tool0WObj:=wobj0;
     MoveJ pStart,v1000,fine,tool0WObj:=wobj0;
     MoveSin pStart,v1000,z0,tool0,wb:=wobj0;

      ! Procedure:  MoveSin
      ! Description:
      !   The robot moves along a sine wave
      PROC MoveSin(
        robtarget StPoint,
        speeddata sp,
        zonedata zn,
        PERS tooldata tl
        PERS wobjdata wb)

     VAR robtarget pTmp;
     CONST num n:=100; !steps
     CONST num h:=360/n;
     VAR num offset_x:=0;
     VAR num offset_y:=0;
     CONST num amplitude := 100; !mm
     CONST num wavelength := 400; !mm
     ConfL Off;
     FOR i FROM 0 TO n DO
      offset_x := amplitude * Sin(i * h);
      offset_y := wavelength * i / n;
      MoveL pTmp,sp,zn,tl,Wobj:=wb;
    PROC main()




    If want to use this instruction from RS you can add it using the "Instruction Template Manager"

    Henrik Berlin
  • Henrik Berlin
    I couldn't resist...


    (You may need to install the XVID codec to view the recording, see
    Henrik Berlin
  • Hi, I've seen the video of the moveSin. I also done it in my robotstudio and its working. But the path line (yellow) does not appear. Can you tell me how can I apear the movement or path like you have done in the video.

    Thank You..
  • Henrik Berlin

    Simulation tab -> Simulation Monitor -> Check "TCP Trace" option

    Kind regards,

    Henrik Berlin
  • Hi,

    Great!It's helpful for me!
  • To Henrik Berlin...


    I'm using IRB2400_16. Did you obtain the quadratic motion? I do it but the motion is only move along Y axis direction. So you mean there are no problems with my program? I'll try after this.



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