RobotStudio event

System Builder Error in RSO


I use RS Online 5.05.1293.0087 in my portable (Windows XP Professional SP1).

I have input the controller key of IRC5 in the system builder,

but I couldn't make the system files.

I attach the error message capture.

Please help me.

Sungwoo Jung


  • Have you been able to use this key on other machines to create a system in 5.05?

    If this key is "old", i.e. created before 5.05, then you will need to upgrade the license key. There were significant changes to the license key structure between 5.0x and 5.05, making the older keys incompatible.

    Russell Drown
  • Hi,

           If the same happens with another system then i think the controller key is older or else  this is a bug .Try with another controller key.