RobotStudio event

WobjData calculation api in .NET ?

I need to calculate a new wobj based on user input and a known PERS wobjdata "wobjCalib".

Is there any vector operations available in the ABB. namespace? It would be convenient to be able to say something like: (pseudo syntax)
WobjData wobjUserDefined = wobjCalib + new VectorOffset(Xdist,0,0);

It also involves rotation etc, so it is unfortunately necessary with a bit of computing before generating the program.

A possible way is to convert the ABB objects into the appropriate classes in Microsofts System.Windows.Media.Media3D namespace (Wpf .Net 3.5 PresentationCore.dll if I remember correctly) and do the manipulations there, and then send it back again....

But it is a bit annoying to do conversions to get a bit of math functionality...


  • Hi,

    there is the ABB.Robotics.RobotStudio.Math.dll  in the RobotStudio SDK, but its not designed to be used with PC SDK application.

    It's only dependent on .NET so it will probably work. Of course you need to deploy it to the customers machine, together with your application, as its not part of PC-SDK.

    Doing so is not supported by ABB, but if you would like to try it in the lab, and likes it, we can consider adding this capability in the future.


    You will still need a conversion, but if we define a string representation that is common between PC SDK and RobotStudio SDK you could easily create a Matrix4 from a Workobject.Oframe, for example.
    Niklas Skoglund2009-10-29 15:29:09

    Best Regards, Niklas Skoglund
    ABB Robotics

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