RobotStudio event

Change orientation of tcp in Rapid - imperfect

I have a tricky issue that I hope an expert can help me with.

I need to reorientate the tool and then start a new motion. I peform the reorientation using a moveL which works, however the robot makes a small move  ( like a jerk )

What is the best way to reorient a tool while maintaining the physical position of the tool?

Current rotation code:

robtargetTemp := CRobT (Tool:=tRapProgram WObj:=wobjRapProgram); !Inline alignment, AngleWithXAxis:80,27
robtargetTemp.rot := [0.764514164391624,0,0,-0.644606928635255]; !Generated quaternion from angle
MoveL robtargetTemp,v1000,fine,tRapProgramWObj:=wobjRapProgram; !Done with inline alignment (reorienting here )


Laro882009-11-08 14:51:34


  • IF your TCP is OK then, I should try this,

    calculate your position (CRobT(.....)

    Movel RelTool(robtargetTemp,0,0,0Rz:=90), .........

