RobotStudio event

How to model a Simple Lathe Mechanism


I am trying to create a mechanism that mimics a simple Lath. Basically I just need to be able to make it rotate / stop.

I have tried using a Device with two joints, No limits. I can rotate it while designing it, but I can't jog it after compiling.

I think the implementation of the Limits are faulty. When I set the limits to +-180 degrees, then I can Jog, but with no limits it is "injoggable" :-)

Can anyone point me in the right way with regards to make it "rotate" properly....

Kind regards

Laro882009-11-10 15:39:25


  • Hello,
      You are very close to getting your device to work.  You need to set your limits, they can be set right at how far you want to rotate or further.  So if you only need to rotate 30 degrees the max limit can be set to 30.  Once your limits are set you then need to set the pose.  That will be the point the device moves to when you active it from the event manager.  You will also have to set the transition times.  This is the time it takes the device to move to its position. 


    Active the device through the event manager with the event Move mechanism to Pose. 


    Hopefully this helps you.


    Rick Lemberg
  • Laro88
    Thank you for your reply.

    The problem is - there are no limits Smile.  You see, it is a physical Lathe that rotates freely although controlled ( by an external PLC ) . So the concept of a limit is invalid :-)

    That is why I was hoping to ignore limits and use a timer event every 100 ms. to do something like:

    "Lathe.angle += 0.3 deg pseudo"  and then let the robot studio do angle normalization when > 360.

    "Oddly enough the most simple things can cause the greatest problems"


  • Sorry I misunderstood what action you were looking for from the lathe.  Have you tried setting the lathe up as an external axis to the robot and controlling it through the robot code.  That way you could set it up for continous rotate.  They say that you can create your own external axes but I have tried and failed each time but I'm sure there is a way to make that work.  Then you would have full control of your lathe.  Its never as easy as we want it to be.

    Good Luck!!!!
    Rick Lemberg
  • Henrik Berlin

    RobotStudio does currently not support "independent axis", so it will not be possible to run a continuous axis in RS. For visualization purposes, i.e. to create a more realistic simulation, you could do as you suggested by defining two (large) limits, define poses, and trigger the MoveToPose action from the EventManager to make the lathe move.

    Henrik Berlin