RobotStudio event

EventTable Detach from Mech with Multiple Flanges


Found that if you attach a part/mech to a mechanism with multiple flanges, event table detach only works for part/mech attached to Flange 0. Will not detach from any other flange than flange 0.   Disapprove


Workaround is to create an empty part for each flange, attach the empty part to each flange through the event table, then attach the part/mech to the associated empty part.  Lamp


This will allow the part to detach using the event table from the empty part, while the empty part(s) stays attached to the various mech flanges.


Looks like the Detach Event needs a Flange input selection, like the Attach feature incorporates to specify which flange to detach from, since there appears to be more than one way to attach a part (direct to part or mech with multiple flanges).


Anyone else have the same experience or am I missing a step to detach a part from a mech that has multiple flanges?
Thomas H. Johnston
PACs Application Engineer


  • Henrik Berlin
    Hi Thomas,

    We have received your PDD (=change request) and will analyze and prioritize it accordingly.

    Kind regards,

    Henrik Berlin