Launching the VGTPU

Hi all!

I have a problem with my VC. I can start it from the VC Test Application and connect to a controller. But when I try to start the flex pendent, "Virtual Controller -> Launch -> FlexPendant" or "VC and FlexPendant" I get a dialog telling me that

"There was a problem launching the VGTPU, the RPC server seems to be down. Do you want to create a new VGTPU server?" Yes/No

If i choose Yes a new "RobVirtualFlexP" process is started, but no graphics shown. I can do this any number of times and have any number of RobVirtualFlexP processes working at the same time.

If I choose No A new dialog appears telling me:

"Problem starting GTPU: Error with GTPU Original error: QueryInterface rof interface RobVirtualFlexPendantLib.IRobVCGTPU failed. "


Any one got any good recomendation on what to do? Please advice.


Best Regards



  • What version of VC are you trying to use?
    Russell Drown
  • Hi,

    I'm running VC_Test




  • You probably need to contact someone in SEROP Product Development, because I think that the support people who moderate this forum are only able to support the released "Virtual IRC5" product.
    Russell Drown