RobotStudio event

Need help with connection

I have one robot ABB IRB 1400 , I try to scan the network but I can not find the robot . I notice that the robot has 2 Ethernet connection : one is exposed in front of the controller box labelled "Service", one is hidden inside it. The one which is hidden inside is connected to network and I can connect with ftp server of the robot to transfer file. However, I never can access the controller to control it.(I can scan for the virtual controller)
I know a bit about RAPID, can pc sdk send a command to robot like : MoveL p1,...Something like:
Please help me as soon as possible, my deadline is coming really near ...........


  • carlosmtz2000

    You should be able to see the robot if your PC is connected through the Service Port.

    In order to see the robot through the LAN port from a PC SDK application, the system must have the RW option 616-1 (PC Interface).


    There is no PC SDK method to run a Move command. The RAPID engine is in charge of the robot motion. You will need to have a program which is prepared to: (1) gets targets from a PC, (2) takes care of robot configuration.


    Carlos Martinez
  • Thanks very much for your reply.
    I will try it next Monday, and post the result here. one more thing I would like to ask is : Can the rapid function receive parameter from c# program (pc sdk). For example:
    MoveWherever(RobTarget 1){
    MoveL (Robtarget,...,tool,wobj);

    And in the c# code i can pass the target and trigger the function.
    Thanks again for your help. By the way my lab's robot is 1400, is it possible to use pc sdk ? 
  • Laro88
    I think it is possible to send a robtarget as a variable ( Messaging domain ) and do as you would like to.

    In rapid then write some code to trigger on the RobTarget changing ( actually create a bit to trigger the motion as a one shot...

    The documentation for the messaging domain will be a bit confusing, however, it can be brought to work - notice especially the double "" when sending strings Smile

    Be careful though, the robot will try to go where you ask it to - through walls, safety doors etc... So if you really want to do pc controlled motions, then consider writing a safety guard in the robot controller that catches any relative motions larger than say absolute 50 millimeters from the present postion - that way a programming logic error  / mistake / IO error / string formatting mistake will be caught. ( this saved my ass once, when manually controlling a CNC machine ) You then to generate multiple continuous targets based on the present position of the robot.

  • I am so grateful for your guys ' help. 
    One last question, can you point me out the document for this part. I know it is kind of spoon-feeding, but i really dont have enough time to dive in the sea of documentation anymore.