RobotStudio event

How to access wire?

RS 5.12.02

The API Help states that CreateParametricCurveU creates a new wire body on the surface of a  face.

So I create a wire body with: [CODE]Dim MyFace As Face
Dim bdyWire As Body
bdyWire = Body.CreateParametricCurveU(MyFace, 0) [/CODE]

I now wish to make use of the wire so I try: [CODE]Dim WireStart As Vertex
WireStart = bdyWire.EndVertex [/CODE]

... but this does not work because bdyWire is a body, not a wire, so EndVertex is not a valid property.

I have searched Help but cannot see how to access the wire.




  • Hi Kevin,

    You can access the wire like this:

    Johannes Weiman2009-11-30 08:33:29
    Johannes Weiman
    Software Engineer
    ABB Robotics
  • Thanks Johannes,

    For clarity, the syntax required is:
    [CODE]WireStart = bdyWire.Shells.Item(0).Wires.Item(0).StartVertex[/CODE]

