RobotStudio event

Slowing Down on Input


I would like to perform a move (e.g., MoveL, MoveC) and have the robot move at 100mm/s when an input is off and 4mm/s when the input is on.  I have tried using interupts and VelSet, but VelSet doesn't affect the current move - only subsequent moves.  I have also tried using interupts and SpeedRefresh, but to obtain the required speed the argument to SpeedRefresh needs to be 4*100/MaxRobSpeed() = 0.08 which causes the robot cease movement.  Any ideas?

Best regards,


  • Hi,
    In this case you should use SpeedRefresh 4 (as you want the speed to be 4% of v100).


    Please note that SpeedRefresh does not work instantaneously, there is a lag of 0,3 to 0,5 seconds.


    Look at the documentation of SpeedRefresh for more details. Good luck!
    frpa2009-11-27 14:55:51
  • Thanks mate.  That's it.
  • Why not simply  IF di1=1 THEN
                                 MoveL p10, v100,z10,tGrip;


                                 MoveL p10,v4,z10,tGrip;


    Lee Justice