RobotStudio event

U/V ranges incorrect - ACIS model problem

The Pack&Go station contains a curved block which was initially created as NURBS surfaces in a surface modelling package. The surfaces were stitched to form a solid in Autodesk Inventor V14.0, then exported as a V7 .sat file.
(The reason for using this complicated method is that the product models I have to work with are more complex than the block, and we have had no success in generating the model directly in Inventor from our customer's point-cloud data.)
The block generates an error message in Robot Studio: "Geometry (ACIS) warning 60010: 'unknown entity subtype(s) found'"
The 'UV Range Test' Add-in shown above gets the U and V ranges of the selected surface with this code:
[CODE]Dim prRange As ParameterRange
If MyFace.GetURange(prRange) Then
    txtUmin.Text = Round(prRange.Start, 6)
    txtUmax.Text = Round(prRange.End, 6)
End If
If MyFace.GetVRange(prRange) Then
    txtVmin.Text = Round(prRange.Start, 6)
    txtVmax.Text = Round(prRange.End, 6)
End If
The buttons then use these values to create curves with code of the form:
[CODE]wireUminV = Body.CreateParametricCurveU(MyFace, Val(txtVmin.Text))
[/CODE]I was surprised to see that Umin = Vmin and Umax = Vmax.
Errors occur preventing the creation of curves with the displayed values of Umin, Vmin and Umax.
After manually changing the values to Umin = 0, Vmin = 0 and Umax = 6 the curves are created OK along the edges of the surface.
The curve along U with Vmax = 6.067904 appears just over half-way along the surface. If the value is changed to 10 the curve is created in the correct position on the far edge.
I would much appreciate help with the following questions:
  1. Is the error message "Geometry (ACIS) warning 60010: 'unknown entity subtype(s) found'" important? The graphic looks OK.
  2. RS 5.12 is supposed to import ACIS V7 files, so what is causing the error message? Is it possible to correct the .sat file using a text editor?
  3. Why are the U/V ranges incorrectly reported? They are completely different from the values observed when the surface was originally created, and the value '6.067904' does not appear in the .sat file, so I think the U/V ranges must be created in RS. Why does 'GetVRange' return values which do not work with 'CreateParametricCurveU'?


  • Hi Kevin,

    You found a bug in the API, GetURange and GetVRange both return the U range Thumbs Down
    Unfortunately I think it's too late to fix this in the upcoming 5.12.03 release, and I can't think of a workaround.

    As for the other problem I'm not sure. But there is something not right with the part in the station; some of the faces only have three edges (try setting snap mode edge and click around). It looked better when I imported it with healing disabled.


    Johannes Weiman
    Software Engineer
    ABB Robotics
  • Thanks for confirming the bug Johannes.
    My workaround will be to manually modify the U/V values.

    We will have to do some more work on our models!

