Seting Up new virtual station

While setingup the new virtual station the position of the Robot and postion of robot in controller should be same?






  • Hi,

    To move the robot in the station you normally use "Position Robot World". You have to do this before you start the Virtual Controller:



    If you instead use "Modify - Position" to move the robot, you must move the Base Frame the same distance:



    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
  • The position must be same in the controller as we as the postion of the virtual condition?

  • The position must be same in the controller as we as the postion of the virtual condition?

    Because in the MOC file of the real robot position defined as (0,0,0)

    But in the real condition (3615,-2453,205) and angle (0,0,180)


    If try to match and run the exitsing program running good condition in robot studio i am facing kinematic error


    kindly let me know how can i fix this?
  • If the MOC file is defined as (0,0,0) the base frame is not moved, so you must move the robot with "Position Robot World" before you start the controller, as I exlpained above.
    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
  • I have still confusion still i need to set up theposition in modify tab and i need setup in position robot world and then in the controller. What is the use Posotion robot world if i am not setting these values still it is working with controller position (0,0,0).




  • Hi Anders

    Still i am facing kinematic error and I am attaching my controller and programm file along with this message. Kinldy let me know how fix the problem.



    Programm name was EE535430.prg 



    Thanks & Regards


  • Hi,

    When you use "Position Robot World" you move both the robot model and the robots coordinate system (wobj0). This is the way we define where the robot system (robot mechanism plus itA's coordinate system) is placed in the RobotStudio station relative RobotStudios coordinate system (called World).  If you move the robot with "Modify-Position" you only move the robot model, wobj0 will still be placed in RobotStudios zero position (World=x,y,z=0).

    The Base Frame Position defines how much the robot model is moved away from the robots coordinate system (wobj0), this is used in some setups, for example if two or more robots should work in the same coordinate system.

    So if you use "Position Robot World" (the robot mech. and wobj0 at the same position), the Base Frame position should be x,y,z=0.

    I can take a look at your controller on friday.
    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics