RobotStudio event

Path & Zone

Can I some how "see" path correcly when targets are included whit Zone (Z100) instruction? In my RS path looks like the targets are addid whit Zone fine instheat Z100 , robot moves the path right. image



  • Hi Petri
    The path line is drawn from target to target. Different  zonedata doesn't affect the visual display of the path line. If you want to see the zonedata graphically in every target then you can turn on a zone ball.

    Menu: ViewDisplay-Hideones.

    Per Svensson
    Company Specialist
    ABB Automation Technology Products
  • Petri
    Petri ✭✭

    Hi Per

    Thanks for your answer, it was litle help, but does not solve my problem complite. I use RS to greate Paths and programs for mecanical cutting (and waterjet cutting olso) so it's important that I see where the Path is going. I can still use moveC, but it is pretty handy use Zone (like I do in the real robot) when I want to try what is the best round for corner. Gladly I can watch the robot moving along the Path and it then goes it right, but it's slowly to edit.image


  • John Wiberg
    John Wiberg ✭✭✭

    Have you tried using Simulation>Monitor?

    There you can turn on a trace of the TCP motion during simulation.


  • Petri
    Petri ✭✭

    Much better, this I can use. image

    Thank you!
