RobotStudio event

Could not compile mechanism

Can anybody help me. I'm trying to compile a device mechanism, and always when I push button "Compile Mechanism" I get error message- Could not compile mechanism. Any suggestions, or ideas?


  • Hi,
    To be able to compile, all icons has to be green as in the picture below.

    If an icon is red, something is undefined under that icon.




    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
  • Thx for reply.

    All, icons are green. I can compile mechanism on other computers, but when I'm trying to do the same on my computer I get a pop up window with error message. In addition if I compile mechanism on other computer, and then when I edit this compiled mechanism on my computer ,and try to compile it I get the same error message on pop up window. It seems that my program doesn't see some of its parts for example compiler or something like that.
  • Do you have any non-local references in your project? I had a project with an axternal reference, that did not compile until if moved the item to a local disk.
  • I dont have external references.
  • If you can compile the same mechanism on another computer, I recommend you to reinstall RobotStudio on your computer.

    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
  • I have tryied, but it didn't help. Previously i have hed version 5.10 instaled, then i uninstaled that version, and instaled 1.12. I thougt that meybe some rests of the older versoin could couse this problem, so I have uninstaled 1.12, and then i insalled it again. Unfortunately, it didn't helped.
  • Since, it works for your colleagues, it seems to be a problem related to your environment. The create mechanism tool uses the temporary folder to create a temporary file. Perhaps it is related to that. You can check the path of your temp folder by opening a command console and typing cmd in the Start->Run field and then typing
    to display all environment variables. Check the value of the %TEMP% variable. On my PC (Vista) it has the following value
    TEMP=C:Users<user name>AppDataLocalTemp
    Compare this value between a working PC and yours to see if there is any difference. Are you able to create other files in this folder? Are there any other changes in the environment between the PCs? Does the operating system differ? Compare the regional settings (use of decimal point or comma), any difference?

    Henrik Berlin
  • I have tryied to set %TEMP% to all Temp folders that I have on my PC. It didin't helped. I can create files in all my Temp folders. Regional settings are the same on both computers, operating systems to. I  wander if the fact that i use polish leters in my path (User name) can couse any problemms.
  • You can try by creating a new local user on your PC with a name that does not have polish letters. (Start->Control Panel-> Administrative Tools->Computer Management->Local Users and Groups->Users. Go menu "Action"->New User.)

    Henrik Berlin
  • Hey Henrik, what can be wrong in my temporary folders? See picture below, I cannot compile mechanism, The compile mehchanism button doesn't come when I do all the settings...
  • There is was issue with the compile button that has been fixed in RobotStudio 6.0 and later. It was not visible unless the window size was large enough. So, either you can upgrade to 6.01.01 or try to enlarge the tool window size, e.g. reduce the size of the output window, compress the ribbon, make the mechanism modeler free floating and enlarge it, or increase screen resolution. Then, the compile button will become visible.
    Henrik Berlin
  • Thank you very much Henrik!!
  • I'm trying to build a gripper tool using simple solid components with the Create Mechanism wizard but after completing all the steps and having all the icons green, clicking on Compile Mechanism gives the error 'Could not compile mechanism'. After that, the Links icon gets red and the problem is that the 1st link (which I use as Base Link also) gives the message 'One or more parts of this Link has been removed' and there is no part in the window. Please anyone help me. I have this problem not only for gripper, It comes for all the create mechanism process. And I need solution as soon as possible. Thanks