Strange Error in Rapid


Installed the latest Systempack 5.12.3 on a 4600 robot. The problem is the following:


I use the 'STOP'; instruction many times in the robot, after putting a new stop instruction in the program, the robot comes with the following error:


Error 122 : Reference Error : STOP not procedure Reference.




The module is 1700 lines long! Is there a maximum use of STOP; instuction allowed??  


Best Regards,






  • Moved to RobotWare forum
    Henrik Berlin
  • 2 people replied, but I can only see the reply on my own e-mail, not on the forum!!!

    But anyway,


    First Reply:


    Hi Jaaahhh,

    Did u create a procedure called 'STOP' or u want to use built-in instruction 'Stop'?
    If you want second one i think reference error can be related with semantics of your code.
    Try to use 'Stop' instead of 'STOP'



    I used the 'Built-in-instruction 'Stop', I tried to use it as 'Stop', same result.


    2nd Reply


    Hi Jaaahhh,

    It seems a semantic error like RS said.
    As i see from screenshot word 'STOP' in line 378 and word 'ST0P' line 384 doesnt seem same.
    Is it possible that u pressed 0(zero) instead of 'O' when u were typing?



    It is not a 'Zero', but a 'O'. !


    I found the solution myself! I cut the program in smaller pieces (<700 lines) , after this I can use the STOP; instruction again! (Abb bug I asume!)


    Thanks for the Reply's!


  • Hello Folks,

    I answering on my own error!! It was not the amount of lines in the program.


    Instead of coding the instruction as STOP; , I did it like STOP , the robot concider this as a 'Label'! When you put a stop instruction furter up the program you get the error described as above.


    So, Stop is not a reserved keyword like EXIT; , if you use the following instruction EXIT: you get an error telling you you have to end with ';'.


    I reported this error to an ABB employer and he will report it back to Sweden.


    Best Regards,


  • AlexK
    AlexK ✭✭

    Hi Jaaahhh,

    I don't understand the error, did you type "STOP:" somewhere else in the code? As I look at your screenshot it's written as "STOP;", or did you change your screenshot?


    I'm looking forward to knowing what you ment with the ":" rather then ";".


    A module can be many 1000's of lines with out any issues Smile


    Best regards

    AlexK2010-04-29 11:46:39
    Best regards
    Alexander Källberg
  • Hello Alexander,

    I found the bug and reported the error allready to ABB but it is an issue with the instruction 'label'.


    On the screenshot you can see the correct instruction. What you can not see is that a few 100 instructions before the Stop; instruction I made a type error. Instead ';' after the stop I typed ':', now the robot accept this instruction as a label. When you use the correct instruction for Stop; the robot gives the error discribed as above.


    Got it?


    Best Regards, 
  • Hello,

    Installed the latest Systempack 5.12 on a 6640 robot. The problem is the following:

    I use the 'start'; instruction many times in the robot, after putting a new start instruction in the program, the robot comes with the following error:

    Error 122 : Reference Error : Start not procedure Reference.

    1semantic error..... like that it is showing...

    The module is 1700 lines long! Is there a maximum use of Start; instuction allowed??

    please guide me regaurding this problem...

    Best Regards,

  • Hello,

    Installed the latest Systempack 5.12 on a 6640 robot. The problem is the following:

    I use the 'start'; instruction many times in the robot, after putting a new start instruction in the program, the robot comes with the following error:

    Error 122 : Reference Error : Start not procedure Reference.

    1semantic error..... like that it is showing...

    The module is 1700 lines long! Is there a maximum use of Start; instuction allowed??

    please guide me regaurding this problem...

    Best Regards, mail id:-
  • I cannot find a RAPID instruction named Start in the RAPID reference manual. Is that one of your own custom-made instructions? Or does it come with a certain RobotWare option?

    Supposing that is the case, have you checked that you have not accidentally defined it as a label (as the topic starter) anywhere in the program by using ':' instead of ';'?
    Henrik Berlin
  • Just wanted to thank Jaaahhh for finding this bug, just did a <ctrl>+f on "Stop:" and suddently i can use the stop cmd again :-)