RobotStudio event

Position to set output

Hi All

<?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 

I would like a output to be set when the robot is in a position eg. home position

How do I link a physical position to a output.


Thanks in advance 


  • Hello,
    One way would be to define a small WorldZone that can be connected to an I/O.  Check out the WZxxx functions...


    BR frpa
  • Thanks for the quick reply. I see there is an example in the rapid reference manual (pg724). I don?_Tt understand the values used in the delta position.

    Anyway I will give it a go.

    <?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 


  • Hello,
    In the online help in RobotStudio about RAPID istructions, you can find this example:


    VAR wztemporary service;

    PROC zone_output()

        VAR shapedata volume;

        CONST pos p_service:=[500,500,700];


        WZSphDef Inside, volume, p_service, 50;

        WZDOSet Temp, service Inside, volume, do_service, 1;



    I think that this would be the way for you to do it.


    BR Fredrik
  • Thanks for the help so far, quick question?

    <?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 

    When the home position (robtarget) gets modified one has to go and change the pos variable to match the robtarget.

    Is there a way to convert the robtarget to a pos to streamline the modifying of a home position.

  • The way to solve this problem is by using a wzstationary with WZHomeJointDef<?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

    The home position can now be created with a MoveAbsJ and modified easily.


    The problem I am experiencing now is  that WZFree cannot be used for world zone stationary.


    How can a routine be called only on Power on?

  • Ok figured it out<?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

    Define a procedure in the user.sys. Add the WZHomeJointDef and the WZDOSet to the procedure.

     Link the procedure to the power on event.  
        As a result you will see your SYS.cfg  parameter flie will look like this:   
    -Routine "myPoweron" -Shelf "POWER_ON" -Task "T_ROB1"