RobotStudio event

How to program COM connection

Dear ALL,

We have a thermo sensor to be connected with robot controller through COM connection. The process is to send a command from robot to sensor, e.g "00ms
", then a value wiill be returned. However, the questions are:

1. we can't define string as "00ms

2. What functions can be used for com communication. We used the code below:

       Open "com1:", channelBin;

      Writeanybin channel, rec; rec := ReadStrBin (channel, 10);

      rec := ReadStrBin (channel, 10);

      Close channel;

but it didn't work to get any response from sensor.


Can you please help us with this?






  • Hi
    Here is what I usally do


    Open "Com1:", equipmentBin; 
    ClearIOBuff equipment;
    WriteStrBin equipment,command;


    haven't added the declarations of the variables but I guess you will understand anyway

    Also do your sensor need CR/LF ? in that case I also would add "DA" to the send string
    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering
  • Hi Per Svensson,


    Thanks for reply.

    My sensor needs CR. I put command as "00msD", and use your code. Still no response.

    I connected sensor with PC. Program with c# to test sensor. Everything works fine to get data from sensor. I am confused about rapid code. How can I check what is wrong.




  • What you can do is to connect your PC to the robot controller to see if you get anything from the controller when you execute the robot program.

    Could be

    - Communications settings (but I guess you have check thoose a couple of times allready)

    - Cable wiring (RTS,CTS ....)
    Per Svensson
    Robotics and Vision Specialist
    Consat Engineering
  • Hi Per Svensson,

    We got our sensor working. Cable wiring was not properly set up before. Thanks for your help.



