RobotStudio event

Problem on S4C+


I have the following problem on an S4C + Controller.

Get a boot error: startup error new cap -9.

Have tried to change almost everything in the robot, not servoboard and dclink.

I've put a new flash disk in and boot the robot, also experiments with different versions 1.80 & 2.10 & 2.18.

Does anyone have some suggestions? my best guess at present is the power supply operating main computer.




  • Hi,
    Can you connect a console to the system and do a reboot? Then you can send me the log and I'll try to point you in the right direction.

    BR frpa
  • Hello

    Yes, I can put on consol and send a log, but not today.

    Have glanced with the boot as it prints. It seems that it can not make enabel chain. Everything else is booted.

