RobotStudio event

Russian 'Cyrillic alphabet' in robot!!



Robotware : 'RobotWare_5.12.03


I have a problem, I want to change the string 'strTotalReset' with Russian characters.


PERS string strTotalReset       :="Total reset";


strTotalReset       :="Total reset";

strTotalReset       :="DYD_D?D??

After  I load this data in the robot I get the error message in 'Robotstudio'.




It's not possible to save the program.


Can I use the Cyrillic alphabet in a string?


Best Regards,










  • We just had this problem last week. The reply from ABB is that RAPID does not handle Cyrillic fonts.. 

    If you find a solution please let me know:)
    Jaeger2010-03-02 15:37:08
  • He Jaeger,

    Thanks for the Reaction.

    For me the solution is to handle the language in the Flexpendant. I must write an error on the screen for a operator. I will handle the error's in a .Net application instead of using Rapid instruction's that can only handle ASCII.

    Best Regards,