RobotStudio event

How to create a tool using the API (C#)?

Hi everyone,

it's me again. I have another problem: i want to create a tool through the API.
With the "Create Tool" Wizard in RS it is no problem, but how can i create a tool (tooldata + graphic representation, e.g. a cylinder) with C#?

Regards, Matthias


  • apox
    apox ✭✭


    firstly a solution for your tooldata problem (without any geometry attached):

                RsTask task = station.ActiveTask;

                RsToolData tool = new RsToolData();
                tool.Name = "NewTool";
                tool.Frame.Z = 0.250; // or whatever

                task.ActiveTool = tool;

    This should give you a new tooldata declaration and set it to the active one.

    apox2010-03-05 01:45:11
  • apox
    apox ✭✭

    and here a sample with geometry (mechanism of type tool):

                Station station = Project.ActiveProject as Station;
                RsTask task = station.ActiveTask;

                // create sample geometry
                Part part = new Part();
                part.Bodies.Add(Body.CreateSolidCylinder(Matrix4.Identity, 0.030, 0.250));
                part.Name = "MyToolPart";

                // create new tool
                MechanismBuilder b = new MechanismBuilder(MechanismType.Tool);
                b.Name = "MyToolName";
                b.ModelName = "MyToolModelName";

                string link = "Geometry";
                b.AddLink(link, part);
                b.BaseLink = link;

                Matrix4 offset = Matrix4.Identity;
                offset.TranslateLocal(0.0, 0.0, 0.250);
                // ...

                // assign gravity, offset, ...
                b.AddToolData("MyToolData", link, offset, new Vector3(0,0,1), new Vector3(0,0,1));

                Mechanism mechTool = b.CompileMechanism();
                mechTool.Name = "MyMechanism";

                // and attach it to the flange:
                // of course you should check if flange does exist and so on
                task.Mechanism.GetFlanges()[0].Attach(mechTool, true);

    Hope that helps.

    apox2010-03-05 01:48:12
  • MatthiasN
    Thank you, that was exactly what i needed. I'll try it as soon as i am back in office!
