Load image from flash disk

It is possible by means of ScreenMaker to load an image of the flash disk to show it in the TPU and to update it when a sign changes state


Thank you very much.


  • You can store multiple images in the project ( each representing a state). And using the "Allow Multiple States" propoerty of PictureBox control, you can display the image you need.  Please note that too many images can increase the size of the project and slow down the screen performance.

    Best Regards, SriniP
  • We really need to load an image from the Flashdisk of the robot, because an external application will update the picture (with the same name).
    We would like to show this image/picture in a ScreenMaker application, but PictureBox only allow to choose among pictures stored in PC's HardDisk.
    Do you know any way to do that with ScreenMaker?



  • Hello,

    Its not possible in ScreenMaker to load an image from flashdisk of robot.

