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HTML to PDF Converter

The Free HTML to PDF Converter is a .NET 2.0 managed application which was built with the Winnovative HTML to PDF Converter Library for .NET. The application does not require any printer driver installation or other third party tools and is delivered as a simple Windows .exe file. You can convert to PDF any Web page from a specified or HTML/MHT file from the disk completely for free. The resulted PDF has no stamps on it or other limitations. The application allows you to add headers and footers, page numbers, set page size, page orientation and PDF compression level, embed true type fonts. Using the same application you can also convert HTML to BMP, JPEG, PNG or any other format.

 html to pdf convertersmithmiller62010-05-20 14:53:15


    Hi, one time I was use it so this is very nise software for HTML to PDF convert so this is a  The "Prince xml" xml/html - pdf converter has some pretty impressive features built in including advanced css support. It's a bit pricy, but there is a trial download. I hope you will use it.

    All the best!


    harry1472010-04-05 00:54:20