RobotStudio event

Making an Add-in (VSTA)

I'm trying to make an add-in with VSTA for robotstudio by using the sample code for creating a new robtarget. When the new target is imported in robotstudio all the coordinates (X,Y,Z) are zero.
How can I change these coordinates  ?



This is the example code that I use:



    ' Creates a new target in the active task and adds it to a path<?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

    Public Sub Macro_CreateTarget()

        ' Check that we have an active station

        Dim station As Station = Project.ActiveProject

        If station Is Nothing Then

            Exit Sub

        End If


        Dim activeTask As RsTask = station.ActiveTask

        If activeTask Is Nothing Then

            Exit Sub

        End If


        ' Find an unused name

        Dim targetName As String = ""

        For i As Int32 = 0 To Int32.MaxValue

            targetName = "MyTarget_" + i.ToString()

            If activeTask.DataDeclarations.Contains(targetName) = False Then

                Exit For

            End If



        ' Create a robtarget

        Dim robTarget As New RsRobTarget()

        robTarget.Name = targetName

        ' Add the robtarget to the active task



        ' Create a target associated with the robtarget and the active workobject

        Dim workObject As RsWorkObject = activeTask.ActiveWorkObject

        Dim myTarget As New RsTarget(workObject, robTarget)

        myTarget.Name = targetName

        ' Add the target to the active task



        Logger.AddMessage(New LogMessage("RobotStudio Sample: Created " + targetName + " in " + activeTask.Name))



' If the task has an active path procedure, create a new move instruction and add it

        Dim path As RsPathProcedure = activeTask.ActivePathProcedure

        If path IsNot Nothing Then

            Dim tool As RsToolData = activeTask.ActiveTool

            Dim procDef As RsProcessDefinition = activeTask.ActiveProcessDefinition

            Dim procTempl As RsProcessTemplate = procDef.ActiveProcessTemplate

            Dim moveInstr As New RsMoveInstruction(activeTask, procDef.Name, _

                                                    procTempl.Name, procTempl.ActiveMotionType, _

                                                    workObject.Name, robTarget.Name, tool.Name)


            Logger.AddMessage(New LogMessage("Sample Add-In: Added " + targetName + " to " + path.Name))

        End If

    End Sub


  • apox
    apox ✭✭

    how about

    myTarget.Transform.X = ...
    = ...

    In the API help you ll find an example under the section RsTarget.

  • Stijn


    Thanks for your help! It works for me.


    Do you also know how to convert the code below in VSTA code ?




    '// Sync the RobTaget to the VC.<?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

        myTask.SyncData("Module1/" + myTarget.Name, SyncDirection.ToController, new System.Collections.Generic.List<SyncLogMessage>());


    '// Sync the path to the VC.

        if (myTask.SyncPathProcedure("Module1/" + myPath.Name, SyncDirection.ToController, new ArrayList()))


            Logger.AddMessage(new LogMessage("SyncPathProcedure of path " + myPath.Name + " succeded!"));




            Logger.AddMessage(new LogMessage("SyncPathProcedure of path " + myPath.Name + " falied!"));



    '// Sync the complete task to the VC.

        if (myTask.SyncToController(new ArrayList()))


            Logger.AddMessage(new LogMessage("SyncToController succeded!"));




            Logger.AddMessage(new LogMessage("SyncToController falied!"));





    Stijn2010-03-28 18:52:45
  • apox
    apox ✭✭


    looks like C# code. VSTA uses .NET means you can use c# as well as visual basic. i am not familiar with visual basic but it if youa re it shouldn t be that hard to to convert it to visual baisc.

    apox2010-03-29 00:37:14
  • Niklas Skoglund



    as Apox said you can create both C# and VB.NET projects in VSTA.


    If you want to translate the code you can try this tools that provides translations in both directions;

    Best Regards, Niklas Skoglund
    ABB Robotics

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