RobotStudio event

Import paths to be modified


I'm trying and evaluating RobotStudio. I have the necessity of importing some paths from existing modules in order to modify them.
At the moment I can't find the way.. I am able only to modify targets that I have created (in the window Paths&Targets) but I can't visualize targets and tajectories from my loaded modules that have to be modified (PS: I am able to simulate the paths conteined in loaded modules).

So..does exist  a way (I mean, without create an Add-in) to reach my aim?


Best regards


  • Hello,
    Yes, that is possible. Do like this:
    • In the Home tab go to "Robot System" and start a system (if you not already have a system running).
    • In the Offline tab select "Load Module" and load your modules.
    • Click on "Synchronize to Station" and select what paths you would like to import to your station.
    • When you have pressed OK, the paths are synchronized to the station and are available for modifications.
    Best regards,
    Anders Spaak
    ABB Robotics
  • Great! It works! Problem solved..and it was very simple :-)

    Thanks a lot

    Best regards