RobotStudio event

Help needed with creating target


Hi i am new to using robot studio and i have below a sample of my program which i did on rapid. what i dun understand is why are there 7 different coordinates and if i want to use these 7 coordinates to create a target how do i do that as all the inputs for creating a target only has 6 not 7.
Another question i have is how do i input a delay like the wait time in my rapid program?
Any help is much appreciated.
PROC main()
MoveJ [[656.69,-401.67,809.14],[0.00394,-0.716212,-0.008832,-0.697816],[-1,-1,-2,0],[9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09]],v1000,z50,tool0;
MoveL [[826.48,-140.18,619.14],[0.003939,-0.716216,-0.008822,-0.697812],[-1,-1,-2,0],[9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09,9E+09]],v1000,z50,tool0;
WaitTime 2;


  • apox
    apox ✭✭


    the GUI in RobotStudio uses 6 coordinates (position x,y,z and orientation rz, ry, rx - euler angles) while rapid uses quaternions, which consists of 4 values (together with the x,y,z position you get 7 coords.)

    WaitTime: right click on a path in the browser and select add action instruction, then select WaitTime.
    apox2010-04-05 12:52:18