RobotStudio event

Reading joystick motion

Hello everyone,

One of my students developed in FP's SDK an application for editing pose data (from robtargets, workobjects, etc.) by showing two reference frame sharing the same origin. Using three pairs of "+" "-" buttons, one can rotate the moving frame about either the x_fixed, y_fixed, or z_fixed axis or the x_moving, y_moving, or z_moving axis (


Instead of using the "+" and "-" buttons, I would like to use the joystick. Is there any way to read the motion of the joystick (without jogging the robot, of course), or the joystick is reserved solely for jogging the robot?






  • Hi Ilian,

    unfortunately it is not possible to access the joystick from FlexPendant SDK.


    Nice application you have done, but you have to stick with the "+/-" buttons.



    Best Regards, Niklas Skoglund
    ABB Robotics

    Developer Center
    RobotStudio Blog

  • Hi, only thing what comes in mind, is that, if the + or - button was hold longer then X seconds, then x_fixed := x_fixed +5, if longer then X+0.1 seconds, then x_fixed := x_fixed +10. Of course constants will be different, and moving frame still will not move with joystick precision. But if you test it a while, eventually you will find best constants and result should close enough to real joystick