RobotStudio event

Record application - Replay "speed"

I have been using the record application function to create some videos of our programming methods in RS 5.12.  However, when I re-play them the speed is too fast to clearly make out what is going on.  Is there any way I can slow this down? 


  • I assume you are getting a lot of dropped frames? Try lowering the framerate and/or max resolution.


    Johannes Weiman
    Software Engineer
    ABB Robotics
  • Henrik Berlin

    Some general information on recording in RobotStudio:

    There are basically two different recording modes in RS: Record Application/Record Graphics that records in real-time and Record Simulation that records using virtual time. The "Record Application" function may be useful when you are creating a movie where you want to show how to perform a certain task or show the behaviour of the application. This mode requires a powerful PC for a good result, as the recording feature will compete with RS about the CPU resources available. The "Record Simulation" function will create a movie by recording frames based on the virtual time. This means that the quality of the movie will be independent of our hardware. When replayed, the movie will show how the robots would perform in reality, since the replay time will match the virtual time in which the movie was recorded. At the time of recording, however, the simulation may run slowly due to the CPU load from RS and the movie recorder.

    It is also possible to change the codec (RobotStudio Options) to your favorite one. RobotStudio does not install any codec, but displays the ones installed on the computer in the RobotStudio Options. Personally, I think that the XVid codec may give good results (, but then you must ensure that the computer on which the movie will be played also has the codec installed.
    Henrik Berlin2010-04-21 15:07:53
    Henrik Berlin