What’s this error??


whenever I use RW5.06.xx system I cannot turn on the VIRC5 controller but 5.05.xx is working well.. Here is an error message...

Anybody know about this??

"There was a problem when initializing the Virtual Controller:

 RobVCFactory.Launch failed, hr=c0040701

 One or more files in the release directory is currupt and cannot be used when launching a VC"

Other people's symptom is same..

Best & Kind Regards,


  • Hi
    Have you installed RW 5.06??
    You could also check that the path to the RW 5.06 mediapool is correct for the controller you try to start. And you do that by checking the path in the program.id file located in each controller under directory "Internal".
    Per Svensson
    Company Specialist
    ABB Automation Technology Products
  • spaik
    spaik ✭✭

    hi again..

    it's still happening....yes I installed RW 5.06...

    Best & Kind Regards,
  • Hi
    The reason is that we haven't released VIRC5 for RW 5.06 yet (only for 5.05). I didn't noticed that you were running 5.06 in your first question, sorry for that.

    Per Svensson
    Company Specialist
    ABB Automation Technology Products
  • spaik
    spaik ✭✭
    When do you release VIRC5 for RW 5.06 ?
    Best & Kind Regards,
  • Hi
    It will be released latest 8th of July.
    Per Svensson
    Company Specialist
    ABB Automation Technology Products