Custom Menu in RobotStudio

This is a station that when you open it it creates an extra "Custom Menu", and when you close the station it removes the menu.

All the sourcecode can be found in the station
(Tools>Macro>Visual Basic Editor)



  • What do i do with this line if i want to use the code in an VB.

    Dim WithEvents TheRSE As RSEXT.RSE

    I'm working on an ADD-IN


    Klaus  imageimageimage

    Best Regards

    Klaus Soenderhegn
  • RSE stands for RobotStudio Extensibility. That is extra menus and toolbars etc. Why we declare it with events is so that we can catch the CommandBarControlClick event which tells us that the user has clicked a menu control or toolbar button control.

    Just use it, as is, in the top declaration of the add-in.
    Then in the initialization of the add-in you should have the TheRSE=Application.rse line.

    In a station, a module, an add-in, or whatever. It doesn't matter the principle is the same.


  • Here is a VB add-in that I created a while ago, it is a multi object renamer. It shows the same examples: