RobotStudio event

Pausing during TPWrite commands?

Something thats only just started happening:

Robot would pause for no visible reason until i figured out that it was every time it was executing a small routine to update the FlexPendant display.  Sometimes it was only half a second, but gradually got worse causing delays of 5-10 seconds.


The routine is nothing more that a series of TPWrite commands with strings added to the end of some of them.


A Warm Start cured it for now -am monitoring the other 3 identical system for symptoms.  Any ideas what causes this?


Running 5.12_04 on an IRB660/IRC5


  • Hi
    Do you have close loops in the program ?

    Knud Erik Lindberg
    Jorgensen Engineering
  • I'm not using any loops in the program, Knud.  The problem occurs in a normal routine with purely sequential TPWrite commands.
  • Klaus
    Klaus ✭✭

    Do have multitask running on the controler?


    BR Klaus
    Best Regards

    Klaus Soenderhegn
  • Not that i'm aware of - the system did have Pickmaster5 installed until last week when it was removed.  Could that have any bearing on it?
  • Klaus
    Klaus ✭✭
    Hi Phil

    Send a backub and will look into it.

    I'm out off job for the moment so got the time to help you_ _ _ if i can


    BR Klaus
    Best Regards

    Klaus Soenderhegn
  • do you have a waittime before calling tpwrite again ?

    Knud Erik Lindberg
    Jorgensen Engineering
  • Knud,

    Not a waittime specifically put in the code, but it is called normally twice (or 3 times) per cycle which is around 8 seconds, so maybe only 2 or 3 seconds between the routine being called.

    Klaus - where would you like me to send the backup to?

  • Klaus
    Klaus ✭✭

    IF you only use it 2-3 times pr. cyrcle there is something else that's not ok.

    Sounds strange to me.

    Mail me a complete backub and i will look into it to night.

    I havent worked with picmaster alot but i now that knud is a specialist into that.


    Did you make a new system on the controler when removing PM?


    Best Regard  klaus.


    PS Hey Knud
    Best Regards

    Klaus Soenderhegn
  • Klaus,
    I didn't remove Pickmaster myself; the application was removed by an ABB Engineer.
  • Klaus, just tried to email you the backup and it failed...
  • Klaus
    Klaus ✭✭
    Hi Phil.

    My internet did not work last night so i'v first got your mail now.

    In the rapid dir of the backub there is to TASK dir but TASK2 is empty.

    It seemes that the controller is running multitask but normaly the task dir should have a MOD file to run.

    I'm downloading RS 5_13 now and will restore your backub after installing of RS and then i get back with more info


    BR Klaus
    Best Regards

    Klaus Soenderhegn