Accessing installed/shared RAPID data


Does anyone know what the syntax is for accessing RAPID data instances using PC SDK that are declared in installed (built-in) modules?  in shared modules?

Using the dcl classes on the flexpendant it is possible to access shared data by leaving out task and module names in the url like this:

    _rdiMyRapidDataInfo = ABB.Robotics.Dcl.Rapid.RapidDataInfo.CreateFromUrl("RAPID/MyData");

But trying to do something similar with the GetRapidData method in the SDK doesn't seem to work:

rdMyRapidData = controller.Rapid.GetRapidData(MyData);
Any ideas how to access installed or shared data?
Thank You,

Bryan Johnson
Wolf Robotics
4600 Innovation Dr.
Fort Collins, CO 80525