Continuous download for VIRC5


VIRC5 was released last Friday but the link is very unstable.

about 40 MB, the downloading is disconnect....again and again...

well.....where can I download new VC 5.06 stable ???

Best & Kind Regards,


  • I have same problem. Please solve the matter ASAP ....
  • We have same problems here in FIN, it is getting image!!!!

  • Hi All,<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

    The problem should be fixed now.image


    I am really sorry for the inconvenience.image


    Please send an e-mail to the Support_Software address if you still have trouble to download Virtual IRC5 5.06 or other products.image


    Have a nice day.


    Thomas Andersson
    Support Engineer
    ABB Automation Technologies