RobotStudio event

Move relative along tool axis

Hello everyone,

I'm currently working on a problem that the user/operator should move the selected tool along its z-axis by a given value (typed in on the controller)

Problem is that I can move the tool with command but I have allways to specify the target coordinates.

I want a move command that allows me to say like "Move 50mm, along +z, tool1"

Currently I am reading out orientations and tcp position and doing some math to calculate the end position but with flipped coordinate system you get changes in your pos/neg axis directions and so the PROC is getting bigger and bigger.

So my hope is that there is a command/option that allows me to move like the way described above. If not Cry I have to improve my own routineWink

Any help would be very appreciated



  • if you get the current position and then use reltool to offset it in the z direction and move the the offset position i think it will do what you want.