RobotStudio event

SpotWare recognition


Spotware program does not work for RS 3.1?

Do you know how to work with SpotL & SpotJ robtarget data in RS3.1?

Also, tell me why * robtarget data is automatically giving a numbering with '  il...  '?  what the ' il' stands for? Can I change it something else which should be changed to * when syncronizing into the real program? image



  • Nobody has an idea? I am kind of stuck at site..

    Please give me any idea ASAP.

  • Hi,<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

    How do you mean "work with" SpotL and SpotJ, do you mean how to enter the data for SpotL and SpotJ in PrograMMaker?image

    Can you please send an example program with this problem?

    Best regards,


    Thomas Andersson
    Support Engineer
    ABB Automation Technologies


    No. Below are what I've done.

    1. Spot program backuped from site.

    2. Loaded into RS3.1

    What I want to is;

    I would like to run 'Spot program' which is run well at site by using RS3.1. 


    * In PrograMMaker, 'Spot program' is fine. 

    *However, spot points are missing in RS 3.1.

    Can't change 'path' by using RS3.1.

    Thank you

    JK Hwang38572,1237615741
  • Hi
    To be able to syncronize Spot instructions into RS(and other Motion instructions that isn't MoveL,MoveJ or MoveC) you have to define in RS how RS should handle thoose instruction types. And here is some basic steps to setup ex. Spot.

    1. Have your RS station loaded with the controller started.
    2. Select menu ModifyInstruction Template
    3. In the dialog click modify
    4. In the new dialog(template manager) select the new tab.
    5. Click start process wizard
    6. Give your process a name for example Spot
    7. Check the instructions you want to be in this template
    8. Define which motion type of each instruction.
    9. Click next
    10. Click finish and then ok.

    When you syncronize Spot instructions RS should now be able to handle them and create target and path's.

    Per Svensson
    Company Specialist
    ABB Automation Technology Products
  • Thank you very much.

    I would like to ask one more question.

    What about 'offset' and 'reltool' points?

    Ex) MoveJ RelTool(pPick10,0,50,-350),v1000,z200,toolGrp;

    I've tried it same way but it's

    kind of tricky.  Do you have an idea?

    JK Hwang38575,3955902778
  • Hi

    There is no support for syncronizing offs and reltool instruction into RS because there is a calculation of the robtarget during execution.

    And I'm sorry to say that there is no easy way to solve it.
    Per Svensson
    Company Specialist
    ABB Automation Technology Products