RobotStudio event

RS 5.13, Documentbrowser

When adding new locations to the document browser with a certain filter (e.g. *.foo), is it possible to connect this filter to an Addin/Powerpack? The idea behind that is to select an item in the brwoser of type *.foo and perform some action (MyPowerPack.handle(*.foo)...) when  double clicking on it.


  • Hi,

    That is not really possible right now. Unless you can find a way to route the default Windows file handler for the type (which is activated when the item is double-clicked) back to RobotStudio and the Addin.

    Look for API improvements in upcoming versions though!

    Johannes Weiman
    Software Engineer
    ABB Robotics
  • apox
    apox ✭✭
    Is it possible to get acces to the document browser control (list view) and register an event (OnDoubleClick or something like that, depending on the control) on the list view (if it is a list view)?
  • You could try this, but there's no guarantee it will work in upcoming versions:

    [code]Window docMgrWnd = UIEnvironment.Windows["DocumentManager"];
    ListView listViewResults = docMgrWnd.Control.Controls["listViewResults"] as ListView;

    Johannes Weiman
    Software Engineer
    ABB Robotics
  • apox
    apox ✭✭
    Got it - added mouse listener and connected document browser with Addin.

    Thank you for the hint.