RobotStudio event

Webware 3.0 BackUp Error [WebWare Server]


       I am running WebWare version 3.0 and keep receiving the "Backup Completed with Errors". The Error I seem to get on all Robots is the following:


I've looked at the result code but cant seem to understand why I keep getting this Error. My "Back Up Content" is currently set to "Standard Backup" and "Ramdisk". Any ideas?

Note: Result Code -5108 = General error for log.






  • What model controller and BaseWare version do you have?

    Does the entire backup fail, e.g. no files at all are copied to PC, or are some files are copied?

    Usually when this problem occurs, there is a long filename or directory name on the controller; these cannot be backed up. Check your controller file system for long file or directory names and delete or rename them, then retry the backup.

    A filename (8 char name + "." + 3 char file extension) or directory name may have no more than 12 characters. This is a limitation in the RAP protocol.

    If this is the poblem and you cannot rename or delete the files, you may try enabling FTP in your Interlink profiles. The backup files will be copied via the FTP protocol. If you are using an older version of WebWare Server such as 3.0.0060, this may or may not work very well.

    Russell Drown
  • Hello,

    Thanks for your reply. Yes I am aware of the 12 character limitation with the RAP Protocol, but usually when I get such an error it tells me exactly what the individual file/folder name is.

    Yes the backups are carried out never the less and as far as I can tell they are completely successful which is why I find this error puzzling. Can it be realted to the RamDisk mirror?

    We are using the S4Cplus controller and the baseware versions range from 1.30 to 2.13.

    What exactly is the hd0a/dump directory used for?






  • Dump is a temporary directory created by wwserver to store the backup on the controller until it can be copied to the server. This directory should be deleted by WWS when the file copy is finished, if it is not, subsequent backups will fail. When investigating a backup issue, always make sure that this directory does not exist on the controller before proceeding.

    What build of WWSErver are you using? THis should be located in the lower RH corner of the web client page, and should be something like 3.00.0060 or 3.02.0317.

    Is every backup for every robot affected every time?

    Are you using NFS or FTP for backups?

    Has this problem always occurred or has it started since the system was installed?

    Does the problem occur both for scheduled backups and manual backups?

    Also check for any special characters in file names.

    I don't think mirroring should affect the backups, but you might want to disable it and retry if no other issues are found.


    Russell Drown
  • Sorry I made a mistake, I'm not mirroring the robot Ramdisk, I simply have Ramdisk checked off in the "Back Up Content" window. I'm assuming that means Webware is copying everything on the Ramdisk to Home backup folder?

    I am using build 3.00.0100

    Neither NFS or FTP have been selected in Interlink Configuration

    Problem has always's just that now I've been put in complete charge of it so I'm trying to figure out what exactly is going on.

    Yes, problem occurs for both Manual and Scheduled backups

    When I look at the error reports, under the column "File Name" sometimes I get instructions followed by the file name such as :

    Remove File - FileXXXX or

    Remove Dir - FileXXXX

    What exactly does this mean?

    I realize most of my errors are due to File/Folder Names that are longer than 12 characters, it's just some errors like the one I posted above - "S4 Backup to /hd0a/Dump" aren't descriptive enough for me.

    On that particular robot I renamed all the file/folder names to try and eliminate all the errors but I still get the "S4 Backup to /hd0a/Dump" message.

    Thanks again for your continued help








  • If you get the "S4 Backup to /hd0a/Dump" when WebWare tries to create the Dump file but it already exists. It then aborts the attempt.

    Check if you have a Dump folder on hd0a, if so remove it and try running the backup again.

  • Hello,

           John and Russ, you were both right...the Dump directory had not been deleted which caused the backup to fail. I deleted it and ran the backup manually and it worked. However, again it did not delete the Dump directory so subsequent backups failed. So my question now is, why is the Dump directory not properly deleted? What can I do to fix this?

    Thanks again for all your is greatly appreciated!



  • Is there content, i.e. sub-folders and files, in the DUMP diretory? If so, what is left over?

    Is this occurring for every controller, or only some of them?

    Are you performing a standard backup, or have you selected additional options, such as full RAMDISK or disk root files?

    If you are using the standard backup, change your profile to backup system paremters or logs only, then check to see if you can back up these files. This is a good way to eliminate some sort of problem with WWServer and pinpoint it to factors attributable to the files you are trying to back up.

    Russell Drown
  • Hello Russ,

    - Yes there are folders in the Dump directory (Home and Rapid folders) and there are program files in those folders

    - Yes it is happening on every controller in our plant (12 S4CPlus controllers)

    - I am prefoming a "Standard Backup" and "Ramdisk"

    Thanks for the tip..I will try that as soon as I can





  • Hello,


    I ran those tests as recommended on one of our robots in an attempt to investigate where the error is originating. Results:<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


    Test #
    Backup Content
    Dump Directory Deleted?
    Directory in Dump
    All Backed up?
    Error #

    Standard Backup
    Home & Rapid





    <?xml:namespace prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" /> 

    Please Note that Error -3102 = No Such Path

                                   -2101 = Invalid Modue Name


    • For Test#2 I selected the following files for backup : ABB0_30071.prg; USER.sys; IE_UTILS.sys. Oddly the backup for ABB0_30071.prg succeeded. I figured this should fail since it is 13 characters long. Why did this work?. Instead the backup for IE_UTILS.sys failed with the error number -2101. Any thoughts?


  • Can you provide a listing of all of the files in the home directory that is taken from an FTP client connected to the controller?

    I would double-check your profile settings and make sure you don't have the FTP interface enabled. That would be the most likely reason why you could copy a long file name.

    Russell Drown
  • Hello RussD

    I'm 100% sure the FTP option was disabled...we have never run our backups via FTP. (Though I don't know why, as half my webware errors are due to files larger than the 8.3 format...I am currently testing version WebWare 4.5 and will be trying backups via FTP).

    Here is the file/folder list taken via FTP and dumped into a "temp" directory so I could display all the files at once:



    Regarding configuring the robot for FTP do I alter the user and password for the controller's FTP site?. I've gone to through the menus on the Teach Pendant but all I can configure is the RAP protocol. How do I go about doing this?

    Thanks again for your continued help. It is greatly appreciated!



  • You can use any user name and password combination in your Interlink profile, as long as it is not blank. So for example username = "a", password = "a".

    Note that this FTP setting is not related to any FTP configuration in the robot controller. Enabling FTP in the Interlink profile forces Interlink to use its internal FTP implementation to copy files from the controller, which is itself an FTP server. The FTP settings in the controller, only available when you have the FTP Services option installed, are used for configuring an FTP mounted drive on a PC.


    Russell Drown