RobotStudio event

40233 Execution error in IRB6600

We have an IRB6600 M2000 SC4+  multitasking that has been working without problems during 4 years. But since 4 or 5 months ago it faults sporadically, about 1 time a day. The error is always the same "40233 Execution error". We have to restart robot to start its working cycle again. This error is allways linked with 2 internal errors: <<segm.c 563 No more segments available>> & << rltrig.c 5454 Not possible to create a new segment>> (there is no description for these error in user manual). Besides it happens allways at same program instruction: <<MoveJSync rbt_MainOWA,v_LoadedCruise,z200,tl_Gripper1,"SP_MAINOWA">>. We interchange entire CPU between this robot and other that works but problems remain at the same. We have update RobotWare to 3HAC6811-2.27 but not success.

 Have anyone problems like these any time? Any idea how to solve it? Any check we can do?
