RobotStudio event

Add Devices to Import lists [Bending PowerPac]

I have a bending cell created in Robot Studio. 3 grippers, pallets, centering device and tilter tool. How can these devices be added to to "available" devices list in Bending Power pac?
BR / Jim Proulx


  • Each device has a rslib file and a configuration file. The configuration file contains information for work object, frame and descriptions. You can open an existing device for rerence.  Each device should be put a seperate folder which should have the same name as the rslib file.  You should copy this device files to user application data folder. Below is the example:"C:Documents and SettingsCNXIYIN2Local SettingsApplication DataABB Industrial ITRobotics ITRobotStudioAddinsBending PowerPacDeviceLibraryGripper"