RobotStudio event

Question on "System Builder" in Robot Studio

I am using preowned IRC-5 to set up communication with a vision system in a research and development lab. How do I create a bare bones system using "system builder" in Robot Studio so that the robot doesn?_Tt think it needs a tool changer or any device net components?  I have the robot's controller key, but I don't know what type of information or files I need for the "media pool".  The current version of RobotWare is 5.09_01.00.1020.  Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Steve Gilbert


  • I suppose you can use your existing key and uncheck the options you don't want to use when creating the system in System Builder.
    Henrik Berlin
  • Thanks for the help.
    Steve Gilbert
  • I am trying to upload the new RS I need this upgrade so I can upgrade my RW to 5.13.01. I was told that I need to do so inorder to be able to properly communicate with my ServoRobot Seamtracker. Can you help with the upgrade? My IRC5 controller runs my Laser System as well. I have all my supervisory files for the communication between the RBT and the LASER running on the IRC5 controller. Also, All my Gap files. After talking to tech support, although they are very knowledgable and helpfull, however, this seems a lot more complecated than of what is presumed, specially in my case. I am running 5.11 at the present time.

  • Please get in touch with ABB to help you to do the upgrade.

    Henrik Berlin