Page designation

hello mates..

I would like to open (show) a designated page, when I turn on the flex pendant (controller). Does anybody know how to do this kind of function??

thank you in advance!!


Best & Kind Regards,


  • Hello,

    you can let the system launch your application when changing the operating mode of the controller. This also works when you start-up the controller.

    On the FlexPendant, go to Control Panel/System/View on operating mode change; and enter the requested information.

    Unfortunately, it seems that there is a bug in RW5.06 Build95 and this is not working right now. I created a PDD and let you know when I have new information. (or you just give it a try; maybe I did something wrong).

    It is not possible to show a designated window of your application, only launch it.

    best regards



  • Hello,

    you have to enter the following in Control Panel/Systems/View on op mode change to let your application start-up automatically (when the controller starts-up):

    Where XXX is the name of your app. Use TpsViewType.Static in your application to avoid that multiple instances are created.