RobotStudio event

running extra long programs on s4cplus

my m2000 s4cplus controller declined to open a rapid code of only 1.5MB length. Since we intend to use this robot exclusively for machining operations, our codes will be several megabytes at best. if i implement nfs remote disk, does controller try to load the complete code at once, or load it piece wise as allowed by controller memory. if this solution also does not work out, is there a easy way of setting up a pc application that sends rob targets one by one to controller, and a code running on robot controller that receives these rob targets and moves to these sequentially?
thank you


  • Hi Cheetah,
    I would split the program in different modules and use the load/unload instructions. Check out the Rapid reference for examples on how it works. Wether you use nfs or ftp mounted disks or try to squeek the modules onto the ramdisk is of course a question of memory size and network administration.

    To load targets one-by-one is possible but alot more complicated - I would absolutely avoid it.

    Good luck,

    GA?ran Manske