i/o simulator


I have a question about the i/o simulator.

When creating a station ,and using the eio file from my actual robot, some signals get grey-marked on the i/o simulator. The name of the signal is there but i can not change the signals. This goes for both in and out.

This happens on alot of my stations when using sys pack 3.1 3.2 . The signals are not system controlled or anything like that. For exaple a group of inputs with 8 inputs, tre of them may be grey, so i can not get the correct GI for my simulation.

Robotstudio 2.0 build 858. Has anyone got a tip to solve my problem?image


  • Hello Ronny,

    Sometimes using groups in RobotStudio can create problems. Could you test that by removing the group/s?

    Otherwise please upload your eio.cfg so we can have a look at it.

    Best regards

    /Ulrika Mor?n

    Support Engineer




  • Hi

    I think the problem is solved.

    It seems that my controler doesn`t like signals with o??.                 

    All signals with these letters are grey. Could be my fault, am not sure of if i have the correct language installed on my virtual controller.        

    Thanks to P. Svensson (ABB) who gave me the tip.